Monday, April 6, 2015

Waiting for The Middle Class Scholarship

Earlier this year, my first year as an independent educational consultant, I excitedly explained to my clients who made less than $150,000 a year that they could expect to receive the "Middle Class Scholarship".  Funded by the state of California, via the California Student Aid Commission, this scholarship started with the 2014-15 freshman college class and the total award possible increases in amount over the next three years, up to a total of 40% of tuition and fees paid.  It is available to students accepting admission at either of California's two public higher ed systems, the University of California and the California State University systems.
Little did I know that unlike ALL other financial aid offers, the best offer my clients would receive from the UCs and CSUs would be an "unofficial" estimate and the worst, no mention of the scholarship at all.  Even within the same system, college campuses differed on how they presented the Middle Class Scholarship offer. UC San Diego called it a "scholarship", and UC Santa Barbara referred to it as "an Unofficial Estimate of Aid".  Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, a California State University, didn't mention it at all, and simply offered my client $25,000 worth of Federal Direct student and Parent Plus loans. Wow.
A review of the website of the California Student Aid Commission didn't do much to clarify things, other than to imply that most of the aid won't be officially offered until September or October, at which point, of course, students will already be attending college. Basically, students are being asked to accept their admissions offers to the UC or CSU college and then trust that the Middle Class Scholarship will be there for them after they've already paid for their first quarter.
This goes against full disclosure and the rules of the game all other colleges must follow; notifying students of admissions decisions AND financial aid no later than May 1.
Here is a link to the California Student Aid Commission's info relating to the Middle Class Scholarship and a link to their most "recent update" dated a year ago:

As to FAQs, the site states: (italics are mine)
  1. If you are selected to receive a MCS:If you are selected to receive a MCS, you will be notified by the Commission.(don't call us, we'll call you)

  2. Need more information about this scholarship?: (like, how much will I receive and when will I receive it???? ) Contact your UC or CSU campus Financial Aid Office or check the California Student Aid Commission’s website for updates.(most recent update, March 2014.)
My FAQ?  Why did I expect that this would go smoothly?  Sigh.  Newbie.

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